訂水須知 Ordering Information

  • 此網路訂水服務 僅限 基隆/新北市/台北市客戶使用。請預先準備好「客戶代號及密碼」,並透過以下方式進行線上訂水。密碼預設為室內電話後4碼
    This online ordering service is only available for clients located in Keelung, Taipei and New Taipei City. Please have your account number and password ready, and order water using the following methods.
  • 忘記代號/密碼、變更密碼、或需專人協助,請直撥02-2291-9000 分機500。
    If you need to retrieve your account number, password, or require any assistance, please contact us at 02-2291-9000 ext.580.
  • 非 基隆/新北市/台北市 訂水需求,請撥打080-080-9000,由專人為您服務。
    If you are not located in Keelung, Taipei and New Taipei City, please contact us at 080-080-9000. Thank you!
  • 訂購成功後,我們將依「希望送達日」配送。如需資料異動或逾時未收到,請來電02-2291-9000分機500,由專人為您服務。
    We will schedule the delivery according to your desired delivery date. If you do not receive your order on time or need to update your order information, please contact us at 02-2291-9000 ext.580. Thank you!
  • 例假日、國定假日及5/1勞動節不予配送。
    We do not provide delivery service on weekends, national holidays and the Labor Day holiday on May 1.
  • 若有紙箱水訂購需求,請來電080-080-9000洽詢,謝謝!
    If you have any requirements for ordering carton water, please contact us at 080-080-9000. Thank you!

(1) 點擊或掃描QR code開啟訂水頁面
Click or scan to order now.

(2) 掃描QR code加入賀眾牌 LINE官方帳號
Add us on LINE and order water.